On a light blue background, the phrase ' The tricks of pickpockets – This is how you protect yourself and your valuables.' is written. Six creatures in different colours stand next to each other. All of them wear a black
            eye mask and black gloves.


the tricks of pickpockets!

Pickpockets are always on the go!
They use the crowding in railway stations or trains to strike undetected.

Most trick thieves and pickpockets work in teams and collaborate with each other:
for example, whilst one of the thieves distracts a person, an accomplice will steal from them. They have a diverse repertoire. We present the most common methods to you. Be aware and protect yourself of becoming a victim of a theft! Find out more by clicking our pickpocket monsters below!

EVERYBODY can do something to protect themselves from theft!
The following >tips< can help!


They block the end of the escalator and let the victim and others pile up. While everyone is looking ahead, their accomplice reaches into the victim’s pocket from behind. So, watch out for The Traffic Jam Creator!

The Blocker (YouTube)


They greet their victim in a friendly way, hug them or hand them a flower. While the victim is confused, their wallet disappears. So, watch out for The Flower Giver!

The Flower Giver (YouTube)


They knock on the outside of the train window. The accomplice on the train steals the distracted victim’s valuables. So, watch out for The Window Knocker!

The Window Knocker (YouTube)


They “accidentally” stain the victim’s clothing. During the kerfuffle of cleaning up, the money disappears from their pocket. So, watch out for The Sneaky Spiller!

The Sneaky Spiller (YouTube)


They bump into their victim in the crowd or attack in pincer formation with an accomplice. While the victim is distracted, they or their accomplice reach into the victim’s pockets. So watch out for The Bumper!

The Bumper (YouTube)


They ask their victim for directions and show them a map. While the victim tries to help and takes the map with both hands, they steal from the victim’s bag. So, watch out for The Fake Tourist!

The Fake Tourist (YouTube)

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