
Coordination of Local Action for Security

Jagiellonian University in Kraków

The poster presents results from the interdisciplinary research “Coordination of Local Action for Security with a Particular Emphasis on the Prevention of Crime” (Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Faculty of Law and Administration, 2010-2014). Using complementary methods and interdisciplinary approach (legal, sociological) we have analysed advisability of the appointment of county committees for safety and order as well as the role of law and legal institutions and the roles of different actors in the creation of effective coordination of local safety action.
We put emphasis on different methods used (content analysis of county crime prevention, public safety and order programmes; contents analysis of county security and order commissions activities) and present main results. Research questions were i.a.:
a) What is the subject of the county programmes/ reports? What are their aims?
b) How does the coordination of local action for order and safety look like in light of county programmes/ reports?
c) According to the contents of the county programme, what is the role of county safety and order commissions?
We also put emphasis on recommendations regarding optionality of county security and order commissions/ programmes; expert support; the role of 'local safety and security manager'.
Jagiellonian University in Kraków
ul. Bracka 12
31-005 Kraków
8. + 9. Juni 2015
Foyer C2