Secu4All Panel: Promoting citizens’ participation in securing and managing public spaces

Véronique Borré
City of Nice and Nice Côte d'Azur Metropolis
Janina Hentschel
City of Augsburg
Staņislavs Šeiko
Riga Municipal Police
Nadia Zourgui-Saada
City of Strasbourg

Public space embodies social cohesion and symbolises citizens' sense of belonging to their city. European cities therefore aim to preserve and create public spaces shared by various population groups and to ensure security, real and perceived, for all. To this end, cities are striving to promote tailor-made methods and tools to facilitate citizens participation in the design and management of public spaces. However, this remains a challenge.

How can citizens better participate in the management of public spaces, from the definition of security challenges to the identification of measures to address them, and their evaluation? What tools are available to cities in Europe to promote citizen participation and enable residents and users to get involved? How can cities better understand social dynamics and citizens’ perception of security? These are some of the questions that will be addressed in the panel.

verwandte Schlüsselbegriffe

Efus Public Space Kommunale Kriminalprävention international crime prevention citizen participation Secu4All